300 Sound Effects

Soundtrack · 1994

Prop Airplane Approach and Passing By

Jumbo Jet Approach and Land

Short Air Release from Scuba Tank Regulator

Burglar Alarm Being Set Off

Automobile Alarm Being Set Off

Wild Cat Hissing and Single Swat

Giant Wing Flap of a Bird

Single Roar of Large Creature

German Shepherd Dog Barking Inside of Kennel

Horse Whinny Inside of Barn

Horses Galloping Past On Dirt

Tiger Growling and Snarling

Car Squealing Tires While Pulling Away

Car Squealing Tires While Pulling Away

Racing Dragster Revving Up and Passing By

Boat Engine Starting and Idling - 10 HP

Twist-Off Cap from a Beer Bottle

Remove Cap With a Bottle Opener

Pouring Contents of Bottle Into Glass

Twist and Pull Cork from Bottle

Single Shot of Polaroid Camera

Single Shot of 35mm Camera

Chain Saw Starting and Making Small Cut

Cuckoo Clock Striking Two O'clock

Grandfather Clock Striking Quarter Hour

Large Crate Being Smashed By Car

Headlight of Car Being Smashed

Crash With Glass Breaking

Rapid Bonks - Comedy Effect

Short Boing On Cartoon Harp - Comedy Effect

Sproing On Cartoon Harp - Comedy Effect

Comedy Sounding Horn Honk

Twirly Wurly Comedy Musical Accent

Finnish Chef Comedy Musical Accent

Zip, Pops and Bonks Comedy Sound Effects

Trumpet Playing Sad Song Comedy Musical Accent

Slide Whistle Playing Down Comedy Musical Accent

Witch Laughing Cartoon Effect

Male Yelling Yee Ha Comedy Yell

Drill - Drilling Hole In Concrete

Jackhammer Being Used On Road

Sanding Wood With an Electric Sander

Igniting an Acetylene Torch

Hockey Crowd Cheering After Goal Scored

Dentist Drill Working On Tooth

Large Dungeon Door Opening

Squeaky Wooden Door Opening

High Voltage Spark, Continuous Arcing

Dry Weeds and Grass Burning

Forest Fire With Debris Falling

Fire Engine With Sirens - On Board

Male Leather Sole Walking On Gritty Concrete - Footsteps

Female Heels Walking On Gritty Concrete - Footsteps

Magnum .44 Revolver - Single Shot

Magnum .44 Revolver - Rapid Shots

Mac 10 Machine Gun Firing

Anti Tank Gun - Single Shot

Howitzer Cannon - Single Shot

Heart Beating At a Normal Speed

Helicopter Hovering Overhead

Helicopter Passing Overhead

Air Horn In a Transport Truck - Long Blast

Canister Air Horn - Long Blast

Bone Being Crushed - Horror Effects

Stab With a Knife - Horror Effect

Puncture Hole Into Tin Juice Container

Crush Beer Can With Handv

Tin Can Falling Onto Concrete

Biting Into a Potato Chip

Person Screaming With Fear

Electric Hydraulic Machine Being Raised

Start Machinery, Run, Shut Off

Steam Release from a Clothes Cleaning Machine

Indian Drum - Steady Beat

Jet Ski Starting and Pulling Away

Knife Being Thrown and Hitting Target

Lawn Mower Starting and Idling

Single Blow Into a Microphone

Motorcycle Starting and Pulling Away

Motorcycle Starting and Pulling Away

Motorcycle Passing By At a Fast Speed

Morse Code Being Received

Morse Code Being Transmitted

Harp Playing Dreamy Glissando

Jazz Rhythm Being Played On Drums

Marching Rhythm Being Played On Drums

Marching Rhythm Being Played On Drums

Vibraphone I've Been Hypnotized

Vibraphone Door Bell or Network Tag

Pull Crank On an Antique Adding Machine

Answering Machine Single Beep

Antique Cash Register - Punching Single Key

Slide Handle Across Credit Card Machine

Manual Typewriter - Typing

Electric Typewriter - Typing

Computer Keyboards - Data Entry - Office

Spray a Single Line With a Spray Can

Pinball Machine Being Played

Face Punch - Sound Effect

Time Clock - Single Punch Card

Rope Being Swung In the Air

Insert Three Coins Into a Slot Machine

Coins Falling Into Tray After Winning

Many Space Ships Passing By

Arrow Approaching and Hitting Target - Archery

Hitting Hardball - Baseball

Basketball Swishing Through Hoop

Billiards Break In Pool Hall

Billiards Ball Being Shot Into Pocket

Bowling Ball Striking Pins

Curling One Rock Hitting Another

Golf Club Swing and Hit Ball

Hockey Puck Being Shot and Hitting Boards

Tennis Serve - Sound Effect

Tennis Two Players Hitting Ball Back and Forth

Close Door On a CD Player

Dragging Stone Along Concrete

Replace Sword Into Sheath

Cueing Music On a Tape Recorder

Cueing Voice On a Tape Recorder

Cranking an Antique Telephone

Electronic Telephone Ringing

Place Coin Into Pay Phone

Telephone Internal Dial Tone

Machine Dispensing Ticket

Toilet Flushing - Sound Effect

Dropping Tool Belt Onto the Ground

Track Noise from On Board Train

Freight Train Passing By With Squeaky Wheels

Passenger Train Passing By

Tuning Radio Across Bandwidth

Inserting Tape Into VCR Player

Tape Being Ejected from VCR Player

Ocean Wave Crashing On Rocks

Rock Being Thrown Into Water

Scuba Diver Jumping Into Water

Scuba Diver Breathing Under Water

Rain On Grass With Trickle

Police Whistle Being Blown

Referee Whistle Being Blown

Whistle Blowing from a Steam Train

Whistle Blowing from a Steam Train

Impact Wrench Removing Nut

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